All pastoral charges in the former Lakeridge Presbytery;
All pastoral charges in the former Kawartha Highlands Presbytery;
All pastoral charges in the former Hills and Shores Presbytery;
All pastoral charges in the former Shining Waters Presbytery;
All pastoral charges in the former Kente Presbytery;
All pastoral charges in the former Four Winds Presbytery;
Trinity PC-Uxbridge, Sandford-Zephyr PC, and
Goodwood-Epson-Utica PC, in the former Living Waters Presbytery.
Each Prayer Cycle invites Prayer each week for a Community of Faith in the Region.
You are encouraged to name the community in your worship, to email a message indicating your prayer support, to pray for church personnel, and to include an ecumenical / interfaith focus. (Communities of Faith are selected and ordered using a random sort algorithm.)